At birth, an old fairy predicts that Tizan will be crowned king at the age of 17. Tizan inadvertently kills a battle elephant that belongs to his father, and he is banished from the kingdom. He goes off to seek his fortune.
At birth, an old fairy predicts that Tizan will be crowned king at the age of 17. Tizan inadvertently kills a battle elephant that belongs to his father, and he is banished from the kingdom. He goes off to seek his fortune.
At birth, an old fairy predicts that Tizan will be crowned king at the age of 17. Tizan inadvertently kills a battle elephant that belongs to his father, and he is banished from the kingdom. He goes off to seek his fortune.
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Antoine Abel, (1977) Contes et Poèmes des Seychelles. Paris : Editions Pierre Jean Oswald. pp. 35-36
Translated from French to Kreol by Penda T. Choppy, 23rd April, 2021
Tizan ti garson Lerwa Makasay. Ler i ti ne, en vyey fe ti donn li en desten partikilye. I ti predir avek Lerwa ki sa garson pou vin en lerwa a laz diset an.
Tizan ti pas son lanfans parey tou lezot zanfan dan rwayonm. Me sirtou, i ti kontan pran par dan bann lasas ki ti organize dan son pei. Son papa, Lerwa Makasay ti byen kontan tou sa ki i ti fer, e pour montre son bann size ki mannyer i ti kontan fason son garson, i ti fer li kado kat gro lisyen. Byento tou dimoun ti war sa prens pe rodaye partou dan tou kwen avek son bann lisyen.
Dan sa rezyon, pa tro lwen avek pale, ti annan en gro lelefan blan. Personn pa ti konnen kote sa lelefan ti sorti. Ti en gerye etranz ki ti al an konba zis ler Lerwa Makasay ti bezwen lager kont en nasyon lennmi. Dan sa bann moman, personn pa ti kapab tenir Krazer, sa gro lelefan blan, telman i ti vin fou ek laraz. I ti telman fer dibri ki tou dimoun ti konnen poudir byento ti pou annan en gro batay.
En zour ler Tizan ti pe promnen avek son bann lisyen, i ti ariv dan laplenn kot Krazer ti reste. En sel kou, sa lelefan ti vin anraze e i ti kraz sa bann lisyen an satini anba son bann gro lapat. Tizan ti war nwanr. I ti nepli konnen ki i ti pe fer. San demande ki Per i dir, nek i ti sot lo Krazer e zot ti roule ater. Ti en long batay, e Tizan ti dekouver ki i ti annan en lafors enorm. E la, i ti ekstermin Krazer.
Kan Lerwa Makasay ti antann sa nouvel, ti pran li en lakoler, e i ti pous Tizan e anvoy li legzil. I ti defann okenn son size pour abrit Tizan oubyen ed li dan okenn fason.
Tizan ti ale avek en gro leker. San dir adye personn, i ti pran son sak e ale pour al fer son bann lavantir.
(Zistwar enkonplet)